Monday, May 26, 2008

Recipe Book

I'm doing something different for family holiday gifts and I wanted to give you an idea of what I am planning.

My mom was well known from my brother's restaurants for her baking. During the holidays she would bake some of her most sought after recipes and give them as gifts to special friends and customers. I thought I would do a recipe book of some of her favorite recipes. Its not the usual kind, as I wanted to create these pages in her vision. She was a soft spoken person with a love for giving and cared deeply for family, friends and strangers alike. In fact there was no stranger in mom's life. I will be adding photos in between the recipe pages also, and it will end up being a combination of recipe's and precious moments in their lives. So here is a little preview. There will be many more pages, but let me know what you think about the way I am presenting this book. The products used are createwings designs, Paint The Moon and Joanne Brisebois


Anonymous said...


What a wonderful and special project you are taking on...I love your pages and I love seeing the kit used in such a diverse way... Beautiful work and thank you so much for sharing your creations with me...


createwings designs

PS: That is really so thoughtful to link my store... You are so kind. Thank you.

Heather "Hev" said...

Fabulous :)
Love how you have out the photo in th ebackground to give the page a completely personal feel - awesome!

Melanie H said...

That is a wonderful idea and they are looking so beautiful.

Roz said...

Mmmmmm, lovely. I'll have some chocolate mousse!!! Well, and the rest too.
Great idea Donna!

Myrt said...

....oh my dear Donna - you are soooooooooooo creative - what a beautiful recipe book you are creating - thanks for sharing